Foreign Bodies In Eye||4 main Management of Foreign Bodies in Eye


Foreign Bodies In Eye

This is very common eye injury.The foreign body may be a partical of grit,coal dust,send,matel splinter,metal dust,saw dust,etc.

It may lodge on the eye balk or in the eye lids priducing irriation and tears.The emergency treatment varies accoding to the place of ladgement of the forgein body and the degree of its adherence of the tissuse.

4 main Management of Foreign Bodies in Eye:

  1. The eye should not be rubbed.The patient should be told to close the eye.The eye lid are down forward by pulling the eye lashes,for some time. This produce lacrimation(tears) and the foreigb body may b washed.

  2. If this done not help the patient it seated in front of light and foreign body us searchef.the lower lid is pulled down by placing a thumb below the eye and by applying a gentle pull.this expose the conjunctiva luning the lowerlid.uf foreign body is seen there it can be picked off by the corner of clean handkerchief,moustened in water or with a cotton tripped stick.

  3. Tolook into the upper eyelid the patient is told to look downwards,amatch stick is placed across the upper eyeluf,the eye lashes are grasped witj the other hand and the lud us turned over the matc stick. The foreign body if licated can be pucked up with the corner if handkerchief or the tip of a moistened cotton swab or cotton tipped stick.

  4. If the foreign body is adherent to upper eye lud,lower eye lud or to the cornea,o attempt us made to remove it. The patient us told to xlose the eye,ur us covered with a tape and casualty is sent ti the medical case the eye is burnt with corrosive,such as a acid or an alkali,the frist step in emergency treatment is to wash out corrosive with plenty of plain water. The eye lids are held apart with a clen cloth or handkerchife and water is poured over the eye.As rough guide a jug if water will suffice.later on neytralizing agent can be used;in injuries with acid,weak solution of sodium bicarbonate ia used.  The eye is covered and the patient is sent to meducal officer.

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