Nose bleeding||3 causes of nose bleeding||4 treatments of nose bleeding

Nose bleeding

Bleeding from nose(inside)nose is called mostly occurs from little's may b anterior or posterior.

3 causes of nose bleeding

There are many causee of nose bleeding here we will discus only 3 main causes of nose bleeding;

1)local causes

  • Infection for example rhinitis(inflamarion of nasal mucosa)

  • Trauma or injuries

  • DNS(deviated nasal septum)

  • Foregin body in nose

  • Tumors

2)systemic causes

  • Hypertension

  • High grade fever

  • Bleeding disorder for example hemophilia,thrombocytopenia,aplastic anemia

  • deficiency of vit k or c

  • Liver cirrhosis(liver disaese)


When cause of nose bleeding in unkown then this condetion is known as idopathic.


In addition of following test.B.p and temp of patient should be noted and nose should be examined for loacl causes.these should be done after controlling epistaxis.

Be examined for lical causes these test should be done after controlling epustaxis.

  1. CBC HB,ESR,T.L.C,Platelets count

  2. LFTs

  3. X ray PNS

4 treatments for nose bleeding

1)Frist Aid:

Pinch nose with fingers(index and thumb)for 5 to 8 minuts.mostly bleeding is stoped.suck cool water inside nose.if bleeding doew not stop with this methods then.

2)Nasal packing:

Nose is packed with gauze cloth socked with liquid paraffin.packing is removed after 30 to 60 minutes.if bleeding occurs then repack for 24 hours.


Bleeding can be stoped with cautery machine.

4)Others measures include:

Replace blood loss if bleeding is heavy.

  • Give inj.vit k

  • Inj.transamine

After controllimg bleeding,treat the cause e.g infection DNS.

Thats about nose bleeding.

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