Asthma||3 main types of asthma||9precipitating factors for asthma


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  • It is lung disease characterized by paroxysmal attack of dyspnea(shortness of breath)wheeze,cough,chest tightness.these features occure due to narrowing of air ways(bronchi)which may be due to 3s:

a.muscle spams


c.increased secretions of respiratoru cell.

Types of Asthma

There are 3 main types of asthema which are describe below:

  1. Child hood onset  asthma

It is also called atopic asthma.It occure in children it is relieves after 10 year of age.


2.Adulthood asthma

It occure in remains for long is also known as chronic asthma.

3. Status asthmaticus

It is severe type of astma.Both childhood and adulthood onset asthma can lead to status asthmaticus.

It is life threating condation and needsemergency treatment.

Precipitating factors for asthma

There are 9 precipitating factor for asthma these are following:

  1. Cold air

  2. Dusts

  3. Smoking

  4. Emotion

  5. Sudden change of weather

  6. Common cold

  7. Exercise

  8. Drugs e.g beata blocker e.g propranolol.

Its enough for today further information will uploaded in next blogg.follow us ontwitter


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