Jaundice||4 main causes of jaundice||4 Treatments of jaundice



The yellow discoloration of body(e.g skin,sclera or mucous membran) due to increased level of bilirubin in body.(normal lavel of bilirubin is 18mg/dl if it raise at 19mg/dl this condition is jaundice)

4 main causes of jaundice

4 main causes of jaundice inculeds:

  1. Hemoltyic anemia e.g Thalassemia,G6PD deficiency,malaria,Vit B12 or Folic Acid deficiency,anemua etc.

  2. Hepatitis(inflamatiom of liver cells)e.g viral hepatitis e.g HAV,HBV,HCV.

  3. Liver cirrgosis(is a liver irreversible inflammatory disease causing disruption of liver structure and functiom)

  4. Obstruction of bile duct e.g due to stones or carcinoma.

3 main symptoms of jaundice

  • Jaundice(Yellow discoloration of sclera or skin)

  • Yellow discoloration of urine.

  • Features of underlying cause for example; anemia.

Tests for jaundice

  • LFTS(liver functing test)e.g SGPT(Serum glutamic pyruvuc transamine.ALT(alanine amino transferase)is usually raised i  hepatitis.SBR(Serium bilirubin)

  • Ulterasoumd of abdomen is needed if there is some obstruction in bile duct.

  • Bloid perupheral smear.

  • Hb is low and reticulocyte coumt is raised in hemolytic anemia.shape of RBCs may be abnormal.

  • Anti HCV, HBs,AG or theris PCR(polymerase chain reaction)may be needed.

4 Treatments of jaundice

Treatment may be done according to under lying cause.4 treatments of jaundice are following:

  1. Treatment of acute hepatitis include rest, avoid fatty meal,liver tonic e.g

Hepamerz,jeteper,vit E or vit C and Glucose drunks.

     2.Treatment of chronic viral         hepatitis includes antiviral e.g interferon injection thrice weekly for 6 months 

      3.Treatment of anemia.

      4.Obstructive jaundice may need surgery.

Thats all about jaundice.jaundice is disease related to hepatitis for hepatitis read our previus bloggs.

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