Piles||3main symptoms of piles||2important treatment of piles


Abnormal dilation of sub mucosal veins in anal canal is called piles or Hemorrhoids.

Causes of piles

There are many cause of piles butt main are followings:

  • Chronic straining for example chronic constipation,BPH(benigan prostate hypertrophy)

  • Pelvic tumors

  • Pregnancy

  • Portal hypertension

3 main symptoms of piles

  1. Bleeding it may be mild,modrate or heavy.initially it is present only on sides of stool.

  2. Prolaps at anus(prolaps means a displacement of organ of bodt from normal postion usually downword)initially prolaps is mild and occurs during passing stool and reduces spontaneously.later on prolapes may occur without passing stools and does not reduce spontaneously.

  3. There is peri anal discomfort,mucos discharge and pruritis(sever itch).

Comications of piles;

  • Sever bleeding

  • Strangulation

  • Thrombosis

  • Ulceration

  • Suppuration

Investugation for piles;

Proctoscopy is usually done to see piles when it is not prolapsed.

2 important treatment of piles


  • Avoid straining(over take).

  • Take high fiber dite.

  • Treat constipation if present.


  1. Injection therapy(5%phenol)in early stage

  2. Hemorrhoidectomy(removal)in later stages.

  3. Other options:banding,cryosurgery(use cold to kill tissue)photocoagulation(the use of laser beem to dead some part of tissue)

Thats all about piles.for further information:

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