
Foreign Bodies In Eye||4 main Management of Foreign Bodies in Eye

  Foreign Bodies In Eye This is very common eye injury.The foreign body may be a partical of grit,coal dust,send,matel splinter,metal dust,saw dust,etc. It may lodge on the eye balk or in the eye lids priducing irriation and tears.The emergency treatment varies accoding to the place of ladgement of the forgein body and the degree of its adherence of the tissuse. 4 main Management of Foreign Bodies in Eye: The eye should not be rubbed.The patient should be told to close the eye.The eye lid are down forward by pulling the eye lashes,for some time. This produce lacrimation(tears) and the foreigb body may b washed. If this done not help the patient it seated in front of light and foreign body us searchef.the lower lid is pulled down by placing a thumb below the eye and by applying a gentle pull.this expose the conjunctiva luning the lowerlid.uf foreign body is seen there it can be picked off by the corner of clean handkerchief,moustened in water or with a cotton tripped stick. Tolook int

Jaundice||4 main causes of jaundice||4 Treatments of jaundice

  Jaundice The yellow discoloration of body(e.g skin,sclera or mucous membran) due to increased level of bilirubin in body.(normal lavel of bilirubin is 18mg/dl if it raise at 19mg/dl this condition is jaundice) 4 main causes of jaundice 4 main causes of jaundice inculeds: Hemoltyic anemia e.g Thalassemia,G6PD deficiency,malaria,Vit B12 or Folic Acid deficiency,anemua etc. Hepatitis(inflamatiom of liver cells)e.g viral hepatitis e.g HAV,HBV,HCV. Liver cirrgosis(is a liver irreversible inflammatory disease causing disruption of liver structure and functiom) Obstruction of bile duct e.g due to stones or carcinoma. 3 main symptoms of jaundice Jaundice(Yellow discoloration of sclera or skin) Yellow discoloration of urine. Features of underlying cause for example; anemia. Tests for jaundice LFTS(liver functing test)e.g SGPT(Serum glutamic pyruvuc transamine.ALT(alanine amino transferase)is usually raised i  hepatitis.SBR(Serium bilirubin) Ulterasoumd of abdomen is needed if there is some ob

Typhoid-5 main symptoms of typhoid||5 main test for typhoid||2Treatments of typhoid

  Typhoid Typhoid is a fever which is caused by bacteria salmonella typhi How Typhoid spread? It occurs due to intake of contaminted food or drink.stool of typhoid pateint is the major source of infection.flies also take a major role in spreadof infection. 5 main symptoms of typhoid High grade and continous fever(usually more then 101°F ).Fever has a step ladder pattern i.e low in morning increases to high limitup to evening. There is vody aches including headache,muscle pain,(myalgia). There is sore throat and cough. There is anorexia,nausea,vomiting,diarrhea or constipation. on examination:  Temp is high. Spleen and liver may enlarged There may be rose spots(skin rashes)on chest or abdomen whicj disappear on pressure. Toungue is coated. Abden may be tender. 5 main test for typhoid TLC(White Blood Cells count)is decreased.(leucopenia.) Widal:it may be positive.but it os not reliable becomes positive after seven days of fever. Blood Culture:it is a specific test. Stool Cult

Anxiety||8 Symptoms of anxiety||5Main Drugs anxiety

Anxiety It is  a psychiatric disease in which patient has excessive worries about several life events or activities for at least 06 month. 8Symptoms of anxiety The basic symptom is worry about a event from atlest 6 monthes. Some othe symptoms are: Fear Irritability Headache Sleep disturbance Tremors Palpitation chest pain Shortness of breath Treatment of Anxiety Before starting treatment,meducal and surgical diseases should be exculded e.g  Amenia Hyperthroidism  Treatment inculdes reassurance of the patient and one of the following drugs. 5 Main Drugs for Anxiety SSRI: Slective serotonin reuptake inhibiters:especially paroxitence TCA: Tri cyclic antidepressent e.g >> Amitryptilene >>Nortryptilene BUSPIRONE BENZODIAZEPINE:e.g aplrazolam 0.25 mg-0.5mg. Although most commonly used but they have mostly short term benefits.Theiruse should be decreasesd because of their side effects e.g dependence impaired performance and withdrawal effects. Beta blockers e.g propranolol 10mg-4

Piles||3main symptoms of piles||2important treatment of piles

  Piles Abnormal dilation of sub mucosal veins in anal canal is called piles or Hemorrhoids. Causes of piles There are many cause of piles butt main are followings: Chronic straining for example chronic constipation,BPH(benigan prostate hypertrophy) Pelvic tumors Pregnancy Portal hypertension 3 main symptoms of piles Bleeding it may be mild,modrate or heavy.initially it is present only on sides of stool. Prolaps at anus(prolaps means a displacement of organ of bodt from normal postion usually downword)initially prolaps is mild and occurs during passing stool and reduces spontaneously.later on prolapes may occur without passing stools and does not reduce spontaneously. There is peri anal discomfort,mucos discharge and pruritis(sever itch). Comications of piles; Sever bleeding Strangulation Thrombosis Ulceration Suppuration Investugation for piles; Proctoscopy is usually done to see piles when it is not prolapsed. 2 important treatment of piles 1)General; Avoid straining(over take). Tak

Nose bleeding||3 causes of nose bleeding||4 treatments of nose bleeding

Nose bleeding Bleeding from nose(inside)nose is called mostly occurs from little's may b anterior or posterior. 3 causes of nose bleeding There are many causee of nose bleeding here we will discus only 3 main causes of nose bleeding; 1) local causes Infection for example rhinitis(inflamarion of nasal mucosa) Trauma or injuries DNS(deviated nasal septum) Foregin body in nose Tumors 2) systemic causes Hypertension High grade fever Bleeding disorder for example hemophilia,thrombocytopenia,aplastic anemia deficiency of vit k or c Liver cirrhosis(liver disaese) 3) idopathic  When cause of nose bleeding in unkown then this condetion is known as idopathic. Investigations In addition of following test.B.p and temp of patient should be noted and nose should be examined for loacl causes.these should be done after controlling epistaxis. Be examined for lical causes these test should be done after controlling epustaxis. CBC HB,ESR,T.L.C,Platelets count LFT s X ray PNS

10 best perventions of Hepatitis B&C||Prevention of hepatitis B&C

  Preventions of Hepatitis B and C Here 10 best preventions of  of Hepatitis for you. For every persin disposable(new)syringe should be used.And it should not be used again for another person. Care should be done to avoid needle prick to your finger. Disposable blade should be used. Avoid unnecessary IV fluids,injections and blood transfusion. Blood should be properly sceend(tested)for hepatitis B&C for AIDS,HIV before transfusion. Use condom if the husband or wife has hepatitis B&C. Vaccination for hepatits B if husband or wife has hepatitis B. Vaccination for hepatitis B general polulation espacialy children. Health education and awareness to general papulation. Do not use tooth brush,miswak or nail cutter of other. These 10 best preventions of hepatitis B and C for  both public and health care provider.if you think it is healpfull for some one then share it with others. Follow us on twitter Like us on facebook